Cross-lane, interactive race: Which lane gets the most strikes first or makes the most zeros?! As soon as a strike and/or a 9* or a GUTTER is thrown on a lane, the current game status is displayed in real time on each lane (which participates in the race). In addition, the player name and the lane number from the last turn is displayed! The control of the StrikeRace game takes place on a tablet, the moderator can add and remove lanes and this also in the middle of the running game. Each lane can be specific be assigned whether points should only be scored on a strike or even on a 9* or whether a "penalty point" is only achieved with GUTTERS. The number of points necessary to reach the goal can be set from the tablet and be changed dynamically. In addition, the moderator can manually adjust the score for each lane at any time.

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Game control via android tablet

Compatible with all Android tablets
During a bowling game, a message appears in random order on the monitor that the current player can win a prize if he achieves a strike in the current throw. The entire game management is controlled fully automatically by the LuckyStrike app, which can be installed on any Android tablet. The maximum number of prizes to be awarded and the playing time is easy to set. The information text for the prize to be won can be changed at any time. The app automatically checks whether the player has won a prize through a strike and captures the player name and lane number (and prize won) and displays a summary of the results at the end of the game.

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Game control via tablet

Compatible with all Android tablets
Bingo numbers appear on the courses that play along (numbers can be selected). The lane that first threw all numbers once wins the game

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Game control via tablet