BMS Keyboard App
Use a tablet to control to the OPTIKA scoringsystem.
Intuitive and easy.. (The language adapts automatically from the scoring system)
Can optionally be operated in kiosk mode (only this app is available) and especially for small bowling centers without CCS: machine on / off switch
Multilingual: automatically accepts the language from the scoring system (i.e., D / F / E / Hungarian or Dutch)

select lane

enter names..

call menu..

..corresponding screen on the overhead

navigate within the menu

correct score

Photo instead of player name

..or avatars from photo gallery

Manager's App: All lanes

Example: Mounted on a existing console

BMS Touch screen keyboard
10 inc touch screen and Raspberry Pi. Serial RS485- or TCP/IP communication The controls are automatically adapted to the gameplay. Multilingual.

can be retrofitted into existing consoles

navigate within the menu

enter names..